
I know it’s been a while since I wrote anything.  The first two weeks since PJ’s surgery have been quite hectic.  We were thrilled to bring him home and he was so happy to be back in his own house surrounded by his brothers. I’m not sure who was more happy, PJ or his brothers.

The recovery period for him was relatively painless.  99% of patients suffer from what they call “skin breakdown” after a colostomy reversal.  Basically, since the skin on his little bottom has never had fecal bacteria on it before a rash beyond all rashes was supposed to develop.  And I say supposed to because he never got it!!!  My little angel falls into that 1% category.  We went today to his surgeon for his surgical follow-up and our doctor was absolutely surprised.  He told me “I’ve never seen a butt look this well after surgery.”  He told me it was because of all of the care I have done both before and after surgery.  I laughed and told him that I was more than happy to take the credit for it but I know it had nothing to do with me.

So now we move forward.  No more colostomy bags and no more anal dialations!  He’s back to sleeping again (Thank God).  He was waking every two hours for a while there, probably because of new sensations “down there.” He is finally enjoying his tummy time and his shoulders should get stronger as time goes on.  After spending a winter of watching his brothers play basketball I think he’s starting to really enjoy the sport.  Over the weekend when Michigan State was on TV in the NCAA tournament he was watching intently.  Then on Sunday when we went to watch Alex’s team have a son against dad game I held him and he just kept moving one arm up and down as if he was dribbling.  We might just have a special olympic basketball star one day.  Either that or a concert pianist.

David and I bought him a swing to hang on our play structure in the back yard.  He LOVES it!!!  This evening while I was making dinner and I looked out the window to see Alex had taken him out and was pushing him on the swing.  This little boy is so loved.


1 Comment (+add yours?)

  1. Tom & Rena Kocab
    Mar 20, 2012 @ 14:36:30

    So happy that all is well again. It’s been a long haul for all of you. PJ is so lucky to have brothers who love him so as well as his mom & dad. Have a very Happy Easter. Love, Aunt Rena & Uncle Tom


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